Friday, May 4, 2012

A Big Ol' Love-in

H. is just learning about love. And it's adorable when he turns to me out of nowhere and says "Momma, I love you lots" (which he says often)... but with that, he also loves lots of other things too.

Over the last week or so, this is a short list of things he has told me he loves:
- monkeys
- lions
- tigers
- Uncle Scott and Katiesue
- when pigs say "wank wank wank" to him
- his blanket
- chips (chippies, as he calls them)
- Jesus (yeah, I'm serious)
- ladies
- himself (my mom and I heard an exclamation of "I love me" from the backseat of the car one day)
- Blue's Clues
- Toby and James (two of his favourite trains)
- His friend Staci (who is actually his aunt, but don't bother trying to correct him)
- both Daddy and Momma
- Gramma
- Gramma's red car

So, he is definitely full of love. For lots of random things. But it's cute!