Friday, November 19, 2010

It's that time again!


Ok, a little sarcasm. Like, bucketfuls.

H. is teething. No new ones have cut yet. But he has been a grumpasaurus rex. A grump of titanic perportions. A big grump.

He has been super whiny and clingy. And not a huge eater... well, he never really is, but he eats even less than he normally does.

He's been sleeping alright. Not quite as long as usual, and not going down nearly as nice, but still a good 11 hours a night. And he's been napping more during the day. For a while he had maybe an hour, now he's up to 2-3.

But he's super fun still. He understands games, like chasing people and being chased, and he figured out how to turn himself around at the top of the stairs and come back down, so I don't feel so anxious about letting him climb them to begin with.

One thing I am anxious about... his party. Coming up in 7 days. A full week. Scary. The invitations were sent out, and I've heard that some people have gotten them, which is good. One thing to cross off my Worry List. Still a few things on there, but I'll manage.

And that's all for now. I'm sure I could think of more, but I need to go to bed.