Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All Quiet on the Home Front

Not every post can be exciting, brimming with news.

H. is back up to 10 hours of sleep at night. Eating around 7 or so, he usually is asleep by 8pm. And lately we haven't had any night-time wake ups. Awake at 6am (must work on that) and happy, as usual.

Unpacking is going. Not overly fast, but going. The kitchen is done, save for two half boxes.

And the Great Solids Adventure, featuring H., has been going along amazingly. Squash was great, and a few days ago we tried strawberries. And they went as well as the squash. MY kitchen is mad at me thought, for attempting my own baby food puree. I also made some other foods to freeze, while I was already messy... there is currently a very happy looking row of strawberry, peas, squash, and cauliflower purees on my freezer door. I'm very much looking forward to trying those out! I'm having so much fun with solids, and I think H. is too.

And, finally, H. rolled over! Both ways! Back to tummy yesterday morning, and then tummy to back yesterday afternoon! My little man is getting to be a big man! Sad but exciting!

And that's all. As I said, all quiet on the home front!