Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Laundry Day

Tuesday is the unofficial laundry day at our house, with another load or two being done on Friday or so. Which means, Tuesdays suck.

It start by gathering it all up from the 3 hampers and baskets scattered all over the house (which is more difficult than it sounds by the fact that 2 of those move on a regular basis), then sorting it into 4 different loads (lights, darks, blankets and towels, and cloth diapers). Then I have to head out to the garage (down the treacherous stairs inside, out the door, and down more stairs) to put it into the washer, then go back out to change it. I have the joyous job of doing this numerous times a week, summer and winter, all year round.

Doing all that is the easy part. It's when the washer is done and I have to sort what goes in the dryer and what needs to be hung up by the fire to dry. And then I get to hang it, and fold it, then put it away.

All this takes hours, pretty much all day depending on when I start... which used to be as soon as I got up, but now I have a baby to worry about too, and now the all day laundry job takes even longer (now I have to do more in the morning). And there is even more laundry, what with the baby peeing through diapers and spitting up on everyone, including himself, and in his bed.

All this to say, I hate Tuesdays.

Fighting Sleep

Lately, the past few days, it's been a fight to get H. to sleep during the day. At night, no problems, but during the day he's fighting the tiredness that's overwhelming him.

Right now, as of this very moment, H. has been awake for 6 of the last 6.5 hours... and not for my (and his) lack of trying... I've done everything that usually works... rocking him, feeding him, snuggling him, letting him lie in his crib watching his mobile, letting him kick his feet on his play mat... nothing. He's still awake, getting progressively grumpier.

At least for now he's quiet, sitting in his swing. Knowing my luck, that won't last too long.