Sunday, January 10, 2010

Burp, then sleep.

Anyone who meets my son, whether he is asleep or awake, is always astounded at how noisy he is. He makes the most unnecessary noises, all the time... he moans when he's eating, snores when he's sleeping, and "talks" when he's awake. And he makes boy noises too... groans (loudly) when he's working on a poop, laughs after said poop, and burps as loud as any adult I know.

A few hours ago when I did his 3am feeding, he was falling asleep while eating, so I quickly burped him, rather successfully, if you catch my drift, and put him down in his crib. He still had his eyes closed, so I thought he would just get comfortable and fall right asleep. 10 minutes later, I'm still sitting beside his crib, waiting for him to stop fidgeting. It's pretty unusual for him to move around so much without making any crying noises as he's falling asleep. So, I got up to check to make sure everything was alright, and to see if his eyes were still closed. As I was approaching the crib, H. lets out one of the hugest belches I have ever heard from him... and then sighs in relief and promptly falls right to sleep. I love the way he burps himself after I burp him.