Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I. Hate. Judgement.

Period. That's all. I hate it.

I get a daily parenting tip that come straight to my email, which are sometimes helpful, sometimes laughable, and like today, downright insensitive.

"What you child learns from your marriage".

Is it just me, or does that seem a little biased? Not every good parent is married, and not every marriage is a shining example to kids.

Did it touch on either of those points? No.

As a proudly single mother, I know that marriage is the social norm for raising kids... or it used to be. Things are shifting. Most people notice. At my work (a natural parenting boutique), all the employees say "partner" not "husband", since almost half of us are single or just dating.

Needless to say, I was not impressed with that "parenting tip". There were ways to make a good article on that point, and I must say, they failed miserably.

Well, what's one more judgement coming my way?