Sunday, October 30, 2011

The ups and downs of parenting...

Today has been a busy day in the life of H. Not for any particular reason, he has just been going non-stop all day.

Which is not normally an issue, except today was supposed to be my epic packing day. For the record, I move the day after tomorrow. And it's 5:30pm.

So, the business of toddlers got me thinking about what was my favourite stage thus far. And... I have no idea. So, I thought why not go through all I liked and disliked about each stage.

Pros: so easy to take anywhere (they just sleep). They are super snuggly.
Cons: So much crud needs to come with you (I never managed to pack a small diaper bag). Car seats are huge! No sleep.

Baby: (6 months- 1 year)
Pros: So fun to start to play with. Learning more, and more alert. They start to talk.
Cons: still so much crud. They cry louder. Teething!

Early Toddler: (1 year- 18 months)
Pros: So much fun to play with, now that they walk. You don't need to carry them absolutely everywhere. Forward-facing carseats mean you don't need to take the bucket seat everywhere! They start to talk.
Cons: Still teething. They get stubborn (or maybe that's just mine).

Big Babies: (18 months- 2 years)
Pros: They say the funniest things. They learn so quickly. You can easily take them anywhere (a diaper in your purse, and a toy and soother, and you're good).
Cons: They know more words than they say, so they can't express themselves as well as they want to, so they scream. They are still stubborn (again, maybe just mine). They stop napping, but still really need it. Walking is old news, and now want to be carried everywhere. You can easily pack up and take them anywhere... but you really can't take them anywhere.

Ok, so I have loved every stage for different reasons. They've all been good. But right now H. is hilarious. I love spending time with him.

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