7am: H. wakes up, gets his diaper changed, and eats.
8am: around this time, H. and I have momma time, during which we play "who's got your chin?" and "who let the tickle monsters in?". And I usually read to him.
9:30am: this is usually when he gets tired of playing, and falls asleep in my arms for his morning nap.
12pm: H. wakes up from his nap, gets another diaper change, eats again, and we play some more. This time he usually plays in his swing or on his play mat, with a little momma play time towards the end.
1pm: H. goes down for his afternoon nap.
4pm: H. wakes up, gets his diaper changed, eats, and plays some more with Momma.
7pm: H. goes back to sleep.
1am: H. wakes up to get his diaper changed and eat.
4:30am: H. gets up to eat again.
7am: H. wakes up, gets his diaper changed, and eats.
This is our daily schedule, and it's been working well for us for about 3 weeks now.