Saturday, October 8, 2011

I swear I'm still alive!

After a short hiatus from the blogging machine, I have decided that now is as good a time as ever to start blogging again. I'm back and better than ever.

I figured now was a good time to start because just about everything in my crazy life is changing!

To start, in just 3 short weeks, I will be moving. Little H. and I have found ourselves a very handy hole-in-the-ground (literally). The price is great, and the land lady seems very reasonable, and I am actually very excited.

Next, school is nearly done. With only 2 weeks left in class, and 4 in practical placement, we are in the home stretch! All the girls in my class are excited, and starting to admit they are nervous. (I admitted months ago that I was worrying).

Third, H. is almost 2. In about 6 weeks, he will turn 2, and I honestly have no idea where the time went. He is such a little man now, it's not even funny how much he has changed. He speaks in 3 or 4 word sentences for the most part, and has an astounding vocabulary. Although he is smart and articulate, he is a boy, and he is nearing his two's (As of right now, I feel like he is having a contest to see how far he can throw a truck across the living room... while wearing only a diaper and mismatched socks).

Now, there is really no time for a real update right now... it's Thanksgiving, and I have pies to make for my duck dinner with the boyfriend and his kids on Monday.

Right now, life is topsy-turvy, but it's starting to work out now!