So, I love working at baby boutiques, the ones thatsell cloth diapers and slings and carriers! Love them! The other day I was browsing the website of one, and decided to send in my resume and see if they were hiring... well, they were.
I had an interwiew on Friday morning, and thelady interviewing me (my new boss!) said she'd let me know, whether I got it or not, by theend of the weekend.
Well, Saturday night, I happened to have my email open, and one from her popped up. I wasn't feeling overly confident, but lo and behold, I got it!
I have to go to a baby wearing and cloth diaper workshop (my two favourite things!) just to get myself familiarized with all the products that they carry.
For now, it's part-time, but in the next few months 2 ladies are leaving for mat. leave, so then I'll have full-time. Which is good... it gives me time to learn things without being overwhelmed for 40 hours a week, and it also gives H. and I time to get used to being away from each other.
Speaking of H., my mom will watch him, until I can find something else!
But man, am I excited!