Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bad Moments...

So, the other day, I had an "I'm a bad mom" moment...

I didn't breastfeed. Well, I did. I tried. For weeks! And when that wasn't working and H. was losing too much weight, I pumped. And when that stopped being a viable option for feeding my son, I switched to formula.

I figured, with the stress of a newborn, and being a young, single mother, I couldn't deal with the stress of breastfeeding issues. And I wanted my son to be healthy. And now he is, but at times, especially when I'm talking to a mom who is still breastfeeding, I get some pangs of regret and I wish I had tried harder... but in hindsight, about 90% percent of the time, I feel like I made the right decision.

I wanted what every other mom wanted... a strong, healthy baby. And now H. is just that!

It wasn't an "I did something wrong" moment, more of an "I stopped doing something right for good reasons, but still regret it sometimes" moment.

I hope I'm not the only ones who get these...