Also, today was the first day where we have used our cloth diapers, to great success. Before when we used them, they leaked around the legs and waist because my son is incredibly long and slender. But today we only had one minor leak, and he didn't seem to worried by it. And he looks so cute in them. I am very excited by this!
And lastly, not to jinx it, but last night H. slept from midnight to 7am... that's the longest he's ever slept at once, by at least 2 hours. And after he woke up at 7, he ate 4.5oz, then fell back asleep at 7:30, and slept for 45 minutes. I am excited by this, and I sincerely hope it lasts.
And then, to make things even better, one of my good friends who recently moved away stopped in for a surprise visit.
I don't thing today could have been even better.