Monday, June 28, 2010

Holy Crap!

Could I have taken any longer to write a new post?!?!?!

Sorry about that, but it's a long story... so, I broke my computer, so to go on the good ol' interweb I have had to go to the library... which actually isn't that bad, I love the library, except days like today where there must be like 4 different daycamps here, and a million screaming kids!... but that's besides the point.

Speaking on screaming kids in the library, mine isn't one of them! He's happy just to chew on my library card and watch all the other kids embarrass their parents... I love my little boy!

Speaking of H., he's growing so fast! Not growing so much as learning, and figuring out things (at his 6 month check up a few weeks ago he was 15.5lbs, and 27.75 inches long, putting him in the 10th percentile for weight and the 95th for height!)... he is experimenting with crawling, has all but mastered rolling over, both ways, and has moved on to banging things on other things to make all sorts of noises!

On my birthday a few days ago, he crawled! He was a week shy of 7 months and was wiggling on my bed while we had a morning snuggle, and got up on his hands and knees, and shimmyed a good 6inches forward! Since then, he's only gone backwards, but it's another step forwars!

As for work... well, it's not really work... more getting out of the house and talking to other moms (and sometimes grandmas) about my little guy, what works for us and what doesn't, and getting to see cute little(r) babies! I love it! At the end of the day I'm missing H., but I know he's always happy to see me!

So, nothing too new on this front, given the long wait, but I promise to be more regular in my posts!