Thursday, December 9, 2010

NOW I really just wanna sleep!

So, about a month back I wrote that I wanted to sleep, a lot... well, that's nothing compared to how I feel now!

H. has been teething something awful (1 tooth cut, looks like at least 3 more coming in). And he's been a super grump. Clingy and whiny and trying to be independent, but really just wanting snuggles. Don't get me wrong, I love my little boy to pieces, but it's so hard to keep my sanity!

For a few days around his birthday (oh yeah, he turned 1 a week ago) he refused to nap, including the day of his party. He did alright, but come 5 o'clock he was just done.

Speaking of the party, it went very well. H. was a fantastic little farmer boy (we had a farm theme), wearing the cutest little overalls and plaid shirt. He ate his cake (i.e.: got it everywhere) and played with all the boxes and bags his toys came in. He got cuddles from everyone, and ate lots of party food. All around, a great time for everyone!

But back to not sleeping. Recap: teething, bad naps. And to top it off, he's not eating so well, assuming on my part because of his teeth bugging him.

And then there's nighttime. He typically used to wake up once, soothe himself, and get right back to sleep. Now, wakes up at least twice, sometimes as much as 6 times, and can't get himslef back to sleep.

I tried everything. And nothing worked. In lieu of a solution, we started co-sleeping again. And it was o at first, but a lot of people had some very strong opinions about it (mainly that it was bad news and super hard to break them of)... which it has been. It was alright, but then he was getting too comfy. So last night I tried to let him cry it out (i know he's fine and doesn't need anything)... which was a resounding failure. He cried for an hour! And then he screamed. And then I got him and he fell right asleep.

So now I'm wondering, is co-sleeping that bad? He likes it, and I enjoy it... Phil is not a huge fan, but frankly, crying for hours is waaaay more annoying than a kicky baby in bed with us.

I'm going to keep co-sleeping... if only because I'm way too tired to fight him. Here's to hoping he outgrows it one day, all on his own!

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