Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Starting Cereal

About 2 weeks ago now, I decided to try feeding H. cereal. Most people are told to wait until 6 months, but at H.'s 4-month check-up, my doctor (who is amazing, while we're talking about her) said it was fine to start trying cereal.

I have read possibly every article on the internet available about starting solids, so I thought I was prepared, but not so much. H. is not a big fan, even 2 weeks later. He hasn't had an allergic reaction, he just doesn't like it. He has started eating more at each feeding, and hopefully soon we'll start doing veggies.

It's exciting. My little guy is growing so fast. He also had his first bath in the "big-boy tubby" today, not his baby tubby (which he had grown out of quite a while ago).

He's getting to be so big, so fast. Scary. Soon he'll be crawling, and soon after that, walking, and talking... I'm not sure I'm going to be ready for that!


  1. Hey Shelby,
    Maria was eating cereal at 41/2 months, she was just so hungry and really wanted food, they are all different. I've realized that reading more then one source is best...and you'll never have these kids figured out, I'm sure your mom will agree! You seemed to be doing a great job!
    Emily G

  2. Yeah, I had read some articles that said 4 months, some that said definitely not before 6, and some that said depending on the baby anywhere between 4 and 6 or 7 was ok. So, we tried. He didn't seem too hungry, but I wanted to start before he was grumpy because he wasn't sleeping at night to feed... it's going great now though, we mix it right into his veggies and he loves it. And thanks, some days are challenges, but I'm figuring him and parenting out slowly!
