Saturday, March 27, 2010

4 Month Schedule

So, H. is now 4 months old, and we have a schedule that seems to work for us, and seems like it's going to stick for a while. A lot has changed since I posted our daily schedule a month ago.

7am: H. wakes up, and drinks a 7oz bottle.
8am: H. and momma play the tickle monster game, peek-a-boo, and his favourite, "you're falling into momma's face!" (he stands on my knees and I lean him into my face while saying, you guessed it, "you're falling into my face!"... always gets a smile)
9:30am: H. goes down for nap #1 of the day.
11am: H. wakes up from nap, gets dressed for the day, and has another 7oz bottle.
11:30am: H. plays some more (usually now he plays more independently, in his high chair, his exersaucer, his bouncy chair)
1pm: H. goes down for nap #2. This one ranges in time from an hour, to sometimes 3, depending on his mood, and how well he slept the night before.
3pm: H. eats yet another 7oz bottle, and we play some more... depending on his mood it'll be in his high chair, or in my lap with some toys. Around this time, I will read to him if he is in the right mood.
7pm: H. eats the last 7oz bottle of the day, and goes to sleep for 12 hours.

What can I say? I'm a lucky mom. He can entertain himself, he is cuddly, he is smart and fun to play with, he's a good eater, and he sleeps for 12 hours at night.

I love my son!

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