Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sir Grumps-alot

H. has bee very grumpy since his shots almost 2 days ago. He's usually very happy and easy to please, but the last little while has been pretty terrible. He's cranky and cries for about an hour at a time. And getting him to sleep has been even more of a challenge. Usually he spits his soother out once or twice and then falls fast asleep, withing half an hour... lately it's taken half a dozen soother replacements, and upwards of an hour. Not fun. At least I get exercise walking from the living room to his crib. Silver lining.

And, to top it off, he developed a nasty cold. Stuffed up nose, slight fever, cough... the works. So, when he sleeps on his tummy (which is the only way he sleeps), he can't breathe. So, last night, around 4:30am when he woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, I brought him to bed with me. I tried sitting him up, sort of leaning on the pillow next to me, but he kept falling over. I tried just snuggling him, but he wouldn't fall asleep lying down... so, my ingenuity kicked in. I rolled onto my back (my least favourite way to lie) and leaned him up against my side. When he started to fall to either side, he either got stuck on my hip, or on my ribs. And we slept like that until almost 8.

Oh, the things I do for my son.

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